Thermo Scientific Brand Message
Transition of Acros Organics, Alfa Aesar and Maybridge brands to Thermo Scientific
We have several exciting changes regarding our products and brands to announce. Effective October 2021, we will be consolidating our product portfolio and transitioning the Acros Organics™, Alfa Aesar™ and Maybridge™ brands to one single brand, Thermo Scientific™. These changes are being made to simplify the product and service offering and provide our customers with one complete portfolio
Starting October 2021, our Acros Organics, Alfa Aesar and Maybridge products will be branded Thermo Scientific.
Some of the key changes we plan to implement are:
Brand Transition
- Acros Organics, Alfa Aesar and Maybridge branded products will transition to the Thermo Scientific brand.
- This means that all products packed and labeled from mid-October 2021 onwards will be branded Thermo Scientific.
- We will not re-label existing product on our shelves. Until existing stock of Acros Organics and Alfa Aesar labeled products are depleted, you will see a mixture of Acros Organics, Alfa Aesar and Thermo Scientific branded products in your order.
- All product documentation will transition to Thermo Fisher Scientific branding.
- All product caps will transition to the color red, in alignment with the overall theme of the Thermo Scientific brand. Again, until product stocks are depleted, you may see a mixture of products with both the old and new cap colors.
Product Portfolio
- We have already started the process of removing items with very low and zero historical demand from the portfolio.
- Subsequently, to address product overlap from each brand, some products from the Acros Organics, Alfa Aesar and Maybridge brands will be removed from the portfolio. In these instances, alternative products will be identified and offered as replacements. This step will be completed in the first half of 2022.
Product Continuity
- All remaining products will retain their current product codes – these will not change.
- We would like to reassure you one more time that the specification, quality and performance of the products will not change.
If you have any questions, please contact your local customer support team.
Please return to this page for further updates throughout the year.
How our labels currently look
- Acros Organics legacy branded label

- Alfa Aesar legacy branded label

- Maybridge legacy branded label

How our labels will look starting October 2021
- New Thermo Scientific branded label

Any questions? Visit our FAQ page.